The population of A Bandeira is relatively recent. In the 17th century it had six neighbours and it was not called thus, but "O Fortín", with very poor buildings next to the current crossroads. Its name alludes to a strong house, with very thick walls and raised floor with small windows thus, easily defended. This strong house became a great tavern selling wines in the 18th century with its distinctive official red label similar to a flag. The fair was now located around the "Casa da Bandeira" (the flag house), and is mentioned in the parish chronicles and, thus the name of Fortín was forgotten, and it received its own name.
These lines were written by the official chronicler of this village, D. José Espiño Matos, to give character and rigour to two symbols which identify this town. The flag (A Bandeira) as a standard signalling A Fair or market, always in capital letters as the most important gathering of people in the area, for the exchange of goods.
As a result, the birth of a thriving conurbation, A Bandeira, which acted as support service to the fair and without which the fair would not have serviced until the present day.
In 1804 according to Lucas Labrada, talking about A Bandeira "It has a fair on the 14th of each month, selling beef cattle, some fresh and cured fish, grains and baked bread."
Since then things changed for the better. Next to the Camiño Real (Royal Way) that went from Ourense to Santiago entering by the bridle path and with the construction in 1850 of the current road commerce was drawn to the town and the residents of hamlets such as Manduas and the surrounding parishes did likewise.
The urban architecture increases, the oaks are cut down and in their place are erected stalls in the specialised streets of which only their names now remain and the plaques in the neighbourhoods, "renque do peixe, renque da froita, calellos dos caldeireiros, dos cacharreiros, do Pulpo, da Pomba..." which are a written testament to the commercial vibrancy of this town.
Later the fair was moved to the 29th of each month (except in the month of February when it is on the 28th), same as the present day market.