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Home -> Hostelry -> Hostels Albergue Fervenza do Toxa | ||
Albergue Fervenza do ToxaTown: AbadesAddress: Reboreda-Abades, 6 Telephone: 986 68 15 59 Fax: 986 09 40 03 Web: Observation: It is divided in two floors, bedrooms and baths are on the second floor and the living room (with 90 mt2) is on the first floor. Hostel has 7 rooms with heating, with berths and capacity for 52 persons. There are 2 bedrooms with bath for 4 persons and 5 bedrooms with shared baths, 3 rooms for 6 persons, 1 room for 12 persons and another for 14 persons. There are 4 big living rooms in order to making courses, conferences or activities, swimming pool, green spaces, orchard and sportive area.