Cultural Events
- Esmorga Folk
- Spring
- Silleda
Festival of Bands
- Traditional Music
at Carboeiro
- Bands of
- Piper
Location: A Bandeira
Date: Festa da Empanada in August.
Type: festival.
Age: 1989
Born in 1989 as just one more of the musical activities within the program of events for the Festa da Empanada, its acceptance and success with the public converted it into the first Celtic music festival to take place in the Deza region and similarly in the Galician interior. Throughout these years, the best representatives of our music have performed on this stage, they have marked on the Galician folk calendar the importance of this festival, Worthy of note are the performances of Luar na Lubre, Carlos Nuñez, Rumbadeira, Chiculate, Quempallou, Jarbanzo Negro, Berrogüeto, Mercedes Peón, Leilía, Avalón and many more.
The wish of the organization is that it not just be a concentration of our culture, but a meeting point of cultures from other countries as is demonstrated by the participation of groups such as Vladimir and Serguev, ChebBaloski or John McCherry among others.
It’s a date not to be missed.
Asociación de Amigos da Empanada
Centro Cultural Vista Alegre
Rúa Vista Alegre nº 16
36570 A Bandeira - Silleda (Pontevedra)
Phone: 986 58 55 50 / Fax: 986 59 20 04
Email: |

Location: Silleda
Venue: parish auditorium "Santa Olaia"
Type: festival
Date: late May
Age: 1st edition 1990
Hosts: Polyphonic Trasdeza Choir
Under the name Spring Evenings the Trasdeza Choir has been organizing a choral encounter considered one of the prominent choral music gatherings in the region.
Within its program three groups from Galicia are regularly invited and the same number from other communities and countries.
Choirs from all four provinces have graced the stage as have others from, León, Navarra, Canary Islands and Portugal, it being the custom among the groups to make reciprocal exchanges out of courteousness. For lovers of this musical specialty, Spring Evenings is the perfect event.

Location: Silleda
Venue: Auditorium "Galicia's Green Week"
Type: festival
Date:during the month of April
Age: 1st edition 1994
Hosts: Silleda Municipal Band
The Silleda Festival of Bands is the centrepiece of the program of activities undertaken by the Silleda Municipal Band; together with the Music School it comprises the main area of work of this organisation.
The first edition took place on Friday August 19th, 1994, as a result of an exchange conducted between the Band of Silleda and the Band of Gineta (Albacete) in the sports Hall of M ª Inmaculada School Silleda, which had been properly prepared for the occasion.
On the part of the association a strong lead is taken in the promotion of this event through as many means as possible. Recent festivals have been recorded by Radio Galega.
The result of this important information and publicity campaign, and careful organization, has been that the festival is considered one of the musical highlights of our community.
Banda de Música Municipal de Silleda
Rúa Pontevedra, s/nº
36540 Silleda (Pontevedra)
Phone: 986 59 20 04 / 679 73 76 13 Fax: 986 59 20 04
Web page:

Location: Carboeiro Monastery
Date: first Saturday in June
Type: festival
Age: 2000
The traditional music get-togethers at Carboeiro Monastery are an event that originates from the people, their desire to enjoy what is ours. Adults, teenagers even children, come together in the magical setting of Carboeiro Monastery the first Saturday in June to meet with our culture. Artists and artisans come from all over Galicia, but the important thing is that there are no stars to get up on stage: anyone can sing, dance, play, tell a story or just have a go on some stilts or have something and enjoy the celebration.
There is no romería without its patron saint: Every year Santa Ferreña smiles over the proceedings with her headscarf on, flowery skirt, and of course tambourine in hand From the moment she is taken out in the procession in the morning (after the auction of litters)) until the last dancers with the light of a new day, leave the place. Because the gatherings always start at lunchtime... until you drop. On this magical day you can see exhibitions, hear stories, see plays, experience a popular lunch... but, above all, participate. Sing a few songs, get some pointers, have the best time ever. Or just a good time: recovering the fun and entertainment that was always present in traditional festivals, built by everyone and for everyone.Long live youth and the oldies that never die!
Asociación Inter-Cultural Santa Ferreña
Centro Cultural Vista Alegre, nº 16
36570 A Bandeira - Silleda Council
Phone: 658 628 239 / 636 535 815 |

Location: A Bandeira
Venue: Municipal Auditorium "Manuel Dopazo"
Type: contest
Age: 1st edition 2001
Hosts: Fortín da Pomba
Awards: costume, best accompaniment, best dancer, best dancing and prizes for the top three dance groups.
Azaloira,the name given to women in evening dress, and now synonymous with a great cultural event, specializing in traditional dance, whichis organized in Silleda council, specifically in the village of A Bandeira.
Born in 2001 as a competition it has a total of seven monetary prizes, and the rigor and seriousness with which this event is organized guarantees its uniqueness in the Deza district. Its regional character, serves as an exponent of the new ways of dancing within the Galician traditional dance scene.
Asoc. De Baile Xuvenil Fortín da Pomba
Rúa Vista Alegre, nº 16
36570 A Bandeira - Silleda
Phone: 667 492 672 |

Location: A Bandeira
Venue: Auditorium "Manuel Dopazo"
Type: festival
Date: September
Age: 1st edition 2002
Hosts: A Bandeira Recreational and Cultural Band
Since its creation in the 80's, many hours have been spent by the band at its music stands training and rehearsing in order to reach the point where it is now. Their efforts have not taken long to bear fruit and with thirty years of stages, parades and special courses, this group has already established itself as one of the best bands on the Galician scene, as the Awards accredit in the trophy cabinets of the Vista Alegre Cultural Centre. In 2002, inevitably, the band had to make a concerted effort to offer its public new ways of presenting its music.
A festival where comfortably seated, one could appreciate good acoustics and share this with other groups. Since the inauguration of the Manuel Dopazo Auditorium it has become the instrument for the Festival of Popular Bands of A Bandeira. Ourense, Pontevedra, Lalín and Silleda, among others, in the company of the Recreational, they have been witnesses and protagonists of this important musical event organized by Silleda Council.
Banda de Música Recreativa e Cultural de A Bandeira
Centro Cultural Vista Alegre, nº 16
36570 A Bandeira
Phone: 686 680 725

Location: A Bandeira
Escenarios:The international festival in the square and the Children's showcase in the Manuel Dopazo Auditorium
Type: festival
Date: The festival is celebrated in the 1st fortnight of July, coinciding with the feast of San Cristobo in the village and the Children's showcase in the 1st half of May.
Age: 1st edition of the festival in 1988. 1st edition of the Children´s showcase in 1998.
Hosts: Xirandola Cultural Association.
The main activity that the cultural association Xirandola organises and develops throughout the year is the Festival of Traditional Dance in which, apart from showing the work carried out every year to recuperate music, dance and costumes, the association´s anniversary is also commemorated. This festival, which takes place in the first half of July, is the oldest of those held with these features in the Deza region.
In the 24 editions that have been held so far, the public who comes to see this show have seen folk dancing brought by groups from every part of Galicia, groups from other regions such as Murcía, Cantabría, Andalucía, Castilla La Mancha, the Canary Islands, Euskadi, Aragón and Asturias, among others, and groups from at least 6 locations in neighbouring Portugal.
In the same festival all the categories that make up the Xirandola Association (distributed by age criteria) participate making this event a great celebration of the group´s members and the people of A Bandeira.
Years later, the need was felt to include a children’s showcase, which could show more specifically the work of the youngest members of the group. In the 14 years that this showcase has existed it has become a benchmark in Galician folk dancing at these ages. Many of the most renowned and award winning dance schools in the region have participated in this showcase.
A few years ago Xirandola took another step in the programming of the Children’s showcase by incorporating groups from outside the region, making it unique among the festivals of other categories. The celebration of these two festivals allows Xirandola to attend folk festivals in the places of origin of the groups that come to A Bandeira.
Asociación Cultural Xirandola
Rúa Vista Alegre s/nº
36570 A Bandeira - Silleda (Pontevedra)
Phone: 986 585 196 - 659 951 521
Web page:

Location: A Bandeira
Venue: Auditorium "Manuel Dopazo"
Type: contest
Date: October
Age: first edition 2007
Organization: Cultural Association Vista Alegre
Partners: Silleda Council / Novacaixagalicia
Awards: Three awards with cash prizes and diplomas. Special Award for Best Performance, work, recording.
As the name of the contest indicates, its aim is to reward the best pipers that represent best the style and character of essentially Galician pieces.
The pipes should be Galician and the piper may only be accompanied by (one accompanist) drummer, traditional box, bass drum, tambourine or other percussion instrument considered traditional, with the exception of synthetic materials.
The jury values highly, tuning, performance, difficulty and rigorous respect for theorigins and recreation of the works interpreted.
Asociación Cultural Vista Alegre
Rúa Vista Alegre, nº 16
36570 A Bandeira - Silleda (Pontevedra)
Phone: 986 58 55 50 / Fax: 986 59 20 04