The Modern Era brought to Silleda a new period of struggle. The French invasion disrupted the peaceful coexistence of the inhabitants of this land, Taboada, Cira and A Bandeira saw skirmishes against the invaders. A historic date is that of the 3rd of March, 1809, when the abbots of eighteen Trasdeza parishes met with many of the locals to take up arms against the French in defense of religion, the nation and the King.
These conflicts continued with the skirmishes between the Carlistas and Isabelinos-Moalde, Casa do Monte, A Bandeira, and later with the violent clashes of the Agrarians for the redemption of the forums, which occurred at the end of the 19th century as a result of the uprisings in Paizás and Refoxos over taxes and rents.
Migration, civil war and wolfram fever have marked important chapters in the recent history of the town.
