The bathing area is nestled in a unique landscape at the mouth of the river Deza, at its confluence with the River Ulla giving it a certain geographical uniqueness. Besides having a dedicated area for bathing in the clean and calm waters of the river Deza, it also, has parking for over 40 cars and picnic tables so you can eat at the foot of the beach.
A short path has also been clearly signposted for those who wish to enjoy the scenery on a leisurely walk through the parish.
LocationThe beach is located in a the hamlet of Fucarelos in Cira parish, situated to the north of the town of Silleda, on its border with the province of A Coruña. The topography contrasts with that of the rest of the council as it is located on a plateau, formed over time, at a height of just 67 feet above sea level.
NatureIt is classified as a Site of Community Importance within the Ulla-Deza River System and noted for its wealth of fish due to the existence of salmon, lamprey, trout and cyprinids of special significance and is protected by Rede Natura 2000.
Cira is known as the garden of Trasdeza, it is renowned for the quality of its horticultural products, such as beans, tomatoes, peppers and apples, which occupy a significant part of the surface area of the parish.
Another aspect worthy of note, are the plantations of Albariño vines, it is registered as a Rias Baixas wine production area.
The cut flower industry also thrives in the area with production taking place throughout the year offering the opportunity to visit the greenhouses and admire the high quality of its products.
In civil architecture the Pazo de Paizás stands out. The estate was founded in 1717, and worthy of special note is the Castle Tower built in 1115 by Count Xoán Bermudo Suarez and seized by Queen Urraca, who in 1121 captured by surprise Archbishop Xelmirez and endured imprisonment, for several days within its walls. It is declared of Cultural Interest.
There is a rural guesthouse, Casa Iglesias in the hamlet of Rendo close to the beach.
Dispone de unha casa de turismo rural: Casa Iglesias, en el lugar de Rendo, muy próxima a la playa.